Dear friends of the elephant,

ELEFANTEN-SCHUTZ EUROPA e.V. is an association of people concerned with the fate of elephants whose physical or mental health is in danger - indirectly or directly - as a result of their being kept in a way inappropriate for these animals. Under the name European Elephant Group (EEG), our association has become known far beyond the borders of Germany.

What are our objectives

Following 150 years of misplanning in European elephant husbandry, ELEFANTEN-SCHUTZ EUROPA e.V. is committed to enabling the wild animals that elephants are to lead worthy lives in captivity where their natural behavioural needs are met as far as possible.

ELEFANTEN-SCHUTZ EUROPA e.V.  primarily concentrates on elephants kept in zoos and circuses as well as elephant-related accidents.

Based on selected projects, we would like to introduce you to the main focuses of our activities. Furthermore, our website provides you with background information regarding the topics of elephant husbandry in zoos and the situation of elephants in circuses as well as the - generally underestimated - problem of accidents occurring in the handling of elephants.

Enquiries & publicity

The European Elephant Group probably has the world’s most comprehensive collection of data on elephant husbandry in zoos and circuses (stock of elephants, births, deaths, accidents, husbandry facilities, etc.).
For almost 20 years, our association has been publishing this data; so far, it has published six documentations. Since March 2002 we have been continuing our documentation in the form of regular (biannual) up-to-date publications in our periodical "Elefanten-Magazin".


Since March 2002, we continue our documentations through current, periodical publications (twice a year) in our Elephant Magazine. "Elephants in Zoo and Circus. The Elephant Magazine "

The aim of our elephant magazine is to contribute through well-founded critical, but objective reports to a significant improvement in the elephant husbandry in human hands or impart food for thought for a departure from no longer up-to-date attitude traditions.


Elefanten-Schutz Europa e.V.
– Geschäftsleitung –

Frau Dr. Christiane Marsch
Forlenweg 29
76149 Karlsruhe

+49 151 70875998 (ab 20 Uhr)

Social Media


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